Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Don't Ignore Your Hidden Fears
We know the strategy...find those stocks of Fortune 500 companies (i.e., solid companies) that normally offer decent yields and, when they are unfairly punished along with the rest of the market, pick them up to take advantage of their "accidental" high yield. Let's call these AHYs.
We can only assume that the reason that these yields are referred to as accidental is because the strong belief is that the price reduction of these AHYs is truly temporary and that their yields will be maintained regardless of economic directions. This seems to me a bit like fortune telling, in that these pundits want you to believe that they can see the future. They can't, as confirmed by the banking industry's near collapse in 2008/2009, so beware of these recommendations.
More importantly and to the subject of this post, don't ignore your hidden fears. Assuming that the pundits are right and these AHYs will maintain their yield and the selloffs in these stocks are temporary, then picking up these AHYs will be a great move as part of your long-term investing strategy.
BUT...most of us have a very innate fear that we don't admit to until it's too late...we hate losing money and we really get scared when things, particularly our portfolios, start falling like there is no bottom. Our long-term investing strategy generally goes out the window in bear markets when selloffs can often seem precipitous. And we often sell what we have held for the least amount of time...i.e., we have a LIFO mentality (Last In, First Out). It takes us time to love the stocks that we acquire so the most recent purchases get sold first.
So those AHYs that seem like a great buy may eventually turn into a great investment...unfortunately, during a bear market, MOST of us will sell the AHY we just purchased in the next leg down and thus take another brutal hit in our already battered portfolio.
Remember two rules in bear markets...nothing is a "great" buy and things generally become far cheaper than one expects before the market bottoms.
Note that the market appears to be inviting us back into the water (with a 60 point rally in the S&P in the last 2 days)...but as I noted in my last post, this selloff is nowhere near from being complete. Be safe, be nimble and don't ignore your hidden fears.
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Recession Line
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Temporary Bottom?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Calling the Top
So…I thought today might be it…
- new quarter (i.e., past the requirement for hedge funds and mutuals to buy into the close of the record 1st quarter - referred to as "institutional window dressing" or the "art of looking smart")…
- great jobs number creating a pop at the open creating the final death knell for shorts and rallying cry for bulls
- all culminating in a realization that this may be the best we'll see in a while with crushing commodity prices...expectations for higher rates coming sooner than later...leading to…a collapse by the close…
But now I am not so sure…one of the 7 long positions I exited this morning was at 68 when I got out at 10am EST…it’s now at 73 – 3 HOURS after I sold it…another was at approaching I am picking them great, but getting too skittish to keep holding. Another few positions are making remarkably strong moves after signaling alerts in the morning, which I decided to ignore due to my bearish sentiment…three of the four positions that I was alerted to are up 3% at least since 10am EST.
I also noticed that the Dollar rally has completely imploded and that the Dollar is now pushing for a closing low (against the Euro at least) not seen since 2009 (needs to close above 1.4207 – it’s at 1.4219 after getting down to 1.406 in the morning)
Of course the tell-tale signs of a top are still ther...volume again running low – oil up another $1 - approaching $108, VIX getting crushed again - i.e., complacency rampant, the usual Cramer suspects and market high-flyers are rallying ... BUT not in unison...many are up, but some are flat and a few others are getting crushed.
Still - this continues to be one of the toughest market to gauge in a long time...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Is the Market Rally Done?
The market has just made its first foray below the 20dma (twenty day moving average - a commonly used technical indicator) since the breakout in early March - been below for the last 2 trading sessions - note that all graphs below depict the Nasdaq Composite...
In 2003, the market made its first foray below the 20dma around the same timeframe and stayed there for 3 trading sessions, during which time the market sold down about 2 1/2%. It did not step below the 20dma again till another month had stayed there for about 2 weeks, in which time the market fell no more than 2% OVER THE ENTIRE did so again just a week later and stayed there for 3 weeks...the market fell a maximum of 3 1/2 % during this time frame - we then had a six week rally...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Dilemma of Discipline
So, it's been a while since I've posted here and this is simply because time has been difficult to find. I hope to not disappear for this extensive a stretch again. The market's storm higher since the March 9th lows has been dramatic and powerful...six weeks of some impressive individual as well as index gains...establishing a new bull market, albeit only technically.
Many in the analyst community are understandably skeptical after the collapse in both equity markets and the economy that began back in July 2007. Most bear markets stage these powerful rallies that fall apart all too surprisingly for the bulls that jumped in, afraid to miss the party. This run up has been referred to more often than not as simply a bear-market rally, by many of these skeptics.
As I argued back on March 12, my strong opinion is that we have put in a generational bottom. When coming off a generational bottom, almost everyone can make money in the first leg up, as this first move is often powerful and undiscerning...every index, every stock gets a boost. It is the truly disciplined at this time that pick not just the followers, but the leaders in this rally and grab the massive returns. Now, here's where I make an important point - in this blog, I cannot and thus, will not, identify individual stocks, but I will try and guide my readership on general observed market trends and industries where the investment opportunities are high.
The market today staged a strong powerful reversal
- Many skeptics will point to the high volume selloff today (ignoring the fact that one stock made up the entire increase in volume and then some). These skeptics will say the market has run enough - six weeks is enough for a bear market rally - these are the bullish doubters who expect us to make new lows, so that they can buy as they likely missed out on the first run.
- Other skeptics will point to the fundamentals and say that there is still lots of bad news to come - these are the lifetime bears who believe that every downturn is simply a stage for a further downturn. They believe that unemployment soaring from 4.7% to 8.5% is just the start, that the collapse of some our most powerful institutions in barely a year is not a sign of a healthy capitalist economy, but an indication that every great company in this country should fail. These are the bears and to allow them to drown out the positives is to give in to the fear.
But, a reversal like this is not a time to run to the exits nor is it a time to load up the is a time for discipline...and discipline means evaluating the markets without the noise of pundits. It means evaluating all the news without listening to simply today's news. And it means evaluating each holding to determine what to do with each share in your portfolio - some may need to be sold, others may be added to and the remainder may be holds...but each holding in one's portfolio needs to be re-evaluated.
The easy response in any reversal after a powerful rally is to be happy with one's profits and run into the nearest cave. The naive response is to think that every pullback is a buying opportunity. The difficult response is to be disciplined. The dilemma of discipline is that discipline is often hardest to find at times like this ... when the easy or the naive response are the first responses we gravitate to. But without applying discipline at this time, one will either regret selling too early or buying too soon. I think, overall, the trend will follow very close to the 2003 rally that begin March 10, shown here, and that the rally will storm higher, after a maximum of a 3-day pullback. But as I said earlier, the easy money has been made. The rewards now will go only to the most disciplined. Everyone else should just buy index funds.